It’s like a never ending loop…get stressed, get sick, get sore, become more stressed, become sicker, become more sore. Then rinse and repeat. The more I’m stressed, the less I sleep, the more likely I am to get sick. I know it, I live it, I have accepted it and over the past year I’ve become better at dealing with it.
I had made so much progress physically and emotionally and then Wham! Out of what seems like nowhere, suddenly it’s like I’m living a nightmare. I’m stressed to the max, I’m hurting, I’m not sleeping and now I’m sick. I’m only human and I have my limits.
Hopefully Monday & Tuesday will be a turning point and I will be able to get back on track. Back to healing, back to learning to LIVE a new way and maybe even back to smiling again.

In spite of everything I have met some new people that are genuinely kind and are doing their best to help me. For that I am grateful.