Writing Makes Me Happy

Writing is Healing

Just keep writing…just keep writing…just keep…you know Dory’s song? I changed it up a little from swimming to writing. But, ya, hum that to yourself while reading this. In fact, good luck getting the song out of your head anytime time soon. Now that you’ve started humming it 😉

Just Keep Writing By Jove! I think I’ve got it! Scheduling the post, that’s what holds me back every single time! Well, that and sweating the details.

An idea pops into my head, yes! I get inspired about something new to write. Then by the time I grab my lap top, log in to my website and get ready to start typing, the original thought has faded.

Of course, once I do start typing I then have to worry about search engine optimization. Is what I’m writing going to please human visitors? Will google find it? Will it come up in the search results? What’s the keyword phrase I should be using anyway? Guess I better stop writing and do a little research first.

Worrying about SEO sure can be a kill joy, when it comes to writing.

I had a thought and I was inspired to write. So I grabbed my notebook and pen, and wrote. Quicker than expected I’d filled 5 pages. Haven’t typed them up yet, but looks like maybe one spelling error. Get this, not a single line or word scratched out in this free writing session, ha!

Free Writing Your Cares Away

I’d forgotten how liberating free writing can be. Just let the words flow out onto the paper. Sounds cliché, right? Who cares, it’s the truth. Let them flow, and they will flow.

I’m not saying that SEO isn’t important. Writing to please both the web crawling spiders and the human visitors will need to be taken into account, eventually. However, these technicalities don’t have to get in the way of writing.

They can be done after the fact, but not at the expense of the way your words flow.

Who cares when is a good time to post to your blog or social media. Write the content for use at a future date or time. Free write the words when they are flowing. Not only is it more fun to free write, I do believe the finished work is also a wee bit more fun to read.

Just keep writing www.FibroFog.ca I got new pens and notebooksDid I mention I finished the notebook I was writing in? Well, I did. Timing was good, back to school specials just started (in July, go figure) so I got myself three new notebooks and, not one, but two of my favourite pens. Ahem, right, you may not know that about me yet. I absolutely looooooove stationery and pens.

What can I say? Sometimes it’s the little things in life that mean the most. Take care and remember…just keep writing!


On Facebook? Would really love it if you like & follow my page https://www.facebook.com/FibroFogdotCA

PS – I’ve since typed up what I wrote, soon you’ll be able to read it here. Hopefully by this time next week.




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