It’s tough trying to be tough when you watch your poor spoonie dog becoming sicker and sicker. It’s one thing to be running the autoimmune disorder gamut as a human. But, can you imagine how confusing it must be for a dog?
It’s like we just start to get one illness under control and yet another creeps up and knocks poor Leo for another loop.
Sound familiar?
Pretty much the same way it’s been for me going on 7 or 8 years now. Even some of his blood test results are similar to mine. And, like many of us human chronic warriors, neither his exact illness(es) nor the underlying cause(s) can be pinpointed.
Spoonie Dog Medicine
My poor dog Leo keeps getting one medicine after another, which leads to some temporary relief. But then the side effects kick in making matters worse or sometimes causing new illnesses.
I thought I felt helpless riding my health roller coaster. Ha! Now that Leo’s hopped on board, the climb to the top sometimes feels pretty much insurmountable.
Anyway, I’m not complaining because he’s the bestest dog ever and I love him with all my heart.

On a sunnier note, warmer days are finally helping to ease the widespread screaming joint pain I was plagued with since the fall. I’ve managed to break through the surface of clutter and disarray that accumulated over the winter.
Feeling a wee bit inspired, and that my chronically fab friends is a start.
Cheers to a flare free summer ☀️
Take care of yourself 💜