Chronic Pain is a pain in the butt!

My Kitty Cat Tape Dispenser

I got dem’  Chronic Pain blues

Arggg! Don’t want to jinx it but I think I’m finally putting my latest flare behind me. This was a tough one; I’m talking widespread chronic pain everywhere. Even had to use crutches to get around.

When I was a kid I had to use crutches for a few years. They were like second nature to me…then again so were the painful palms and chaffed under arm areas from using them. I remember thinking…man I hope I never have to use those again.

Here it is thirty something years later. Turns out I did and quite likely will have to again. Silver lining? Seems using crutches is like riding a bike, no matter how long it’s been you don’t forget how to use them. Well, I didn’t anyway.

Enough about my latest go round with chronic pain, how about a little time out for some happy thoughts? Hmmm ok, here are two…my new flamingo ladies that hubby bought me and Buck the guinea pig helping me out with some typing 😉

Being silly sometimes helps me cope with chronic pain
Chronic pain distraction provided by Buck the guinea pig
Buck my typing assistant

So I guess what I’m getting at (or trying to anyway) is that though chronic pain is an everyday part of life at least the flares come and GO. There is always some kind of relief (or reprieve) on the horizon.

In the meantime I find that it’s sometimes the silliest things (like my ladies above) that can take your mind of the chronic pain and make you smile for at least a little while.

Just a few of my nifty thingys
Just a few of my nifty thingys

Hmmm…that makes me wonder, is it possible that my husband and kids realized this before I did?

Lately I’ve been getting some really nifty, silly n’ fun gifts. My desk and shelves are filling up with some interesting goodies that work wonders at distracting me from my constant companion aka “chronic pain”.

My Husband & Daughters make me smile. I really am lucky aren’t I? Right musn’t forget the pets; they make me smile too…

  • Dee Ohh Gee the dog RIP baby boy xox
  • Piggly Wiggly the Queen of skinny pigs
  • Skuttle Bug the bunny rabbit
  • Rowena the red eyed guinea pig
  • Gopher the sweetest guinea pig EVER
  • Gizmo the squeaker guinea pig
  • Herbert the hedgehog RIP sweety xox
  • Buck the typing guinea pig
  • Bippity Boppity Boo Morgeana George Walter (that’s one name) the skinny pig
  • Crispy Bacon the skinnny pig – for the record I protested this name! RIP miss you xox
  • Pippa our rescue skinny pig was with us a short time but we loved her very much RIP xox

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